Proud beyond land and sea limits
Dhammachai Kathina, 2011, at Wat Phra Dhammakaya. Proud beyond land and sea limits
The Photo Collection of Dhammachai Dhutanga (January 16th, 2012)
The Collection of Waited Photo of the World !! The Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 16th, 2012
The Photo Collection of the Ordination Ceremony and the Ceremony of Hanging Aṁsa
The Photo Collection of the Ordination Ceremony and the Ceremony of Hanging Aṁsa on Saturday April 5th, 2014
The Third week of Dhammakaya Dhutanga
It has been two weeks since Dhammachai Dhutanga And 1,127 monks are still going on a pilgrimage and meditating for disaster relief.
The 5th Pubbapeta Bali Ceremony
The 5th Pubbapeta Bali Ceremony at Dhammakaya Temple
Schedule of the Ceremony of Welcoming the Dhutanga Monks
The Photo Collection of Dhammachai Dhutanga (January 14th, 2012)
The Collection of Waited Photo of the World !! The Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 14th, 2012
Mass Media and Web Sites published the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga News
Mass Media and some websites published the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga News.
The Commencement Ceremony of DOU 2013
The Commencement Ceremony of Dhammakaya Open University, California (DOU) on Sunday July 7th, 2013
Palm Beach Meditation Center arranged the Ceremony of Offering Medicines